Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Twisted turns..


Dr. Venkat was still not fully awake, lying on the middle seat of a conference room, he barely knew how he was there. Looking on the wall upfront, all started coming to his mind..the daily schedule..the daily lemon tea and then the sudden visit of two gentlemen who have apparently sedated him, got him in their vehicle and now he is here sitting in this conference room alone. He tried to stand up but couldn't do so because of the dose maybe. There were no windows, just one door for entry and exit. Then suddenly the screen in front of him came to life..while loading the screen displayed a logo. This was the only thing which answered to almost all of his questions. While he was thinking a man appeared on the screen in front of him, he knew this was no ordinary meeting otherwise the director of RACE wouldn't be talking to him. The system took sometime in starting till then Dr. Venkat can observe on director Dutta's expression, he knew Mr. Dutta for quite a time now. He was a normal project supervisor at RACE but due to his brilliant ideas and cunning mind he has secured this position. But today was different....he was calm and was looking like he was not able to breathe. The system started and voice of Director Dutta crackled through the speakers, Dr. Venkat had heard his voice before, it hasn't changed, nothing has changed at all, he thought.
Mr. Dutta spoke in a very friendly manner and was sorry for this type of disturbance to Dr. Venkat. He said "Venkat sorry to disturb you in this early hour, but you must understand that i do not have any other choice....". "Your life is in grave danger..someone knows about ARYA and that someone will do anything to get it, you must follow the protocol and join us asap in order to keep it safe..they already have the loctag ". This last sentence made Dr. Venkat more tensed as he knew that the situation has just escalated to level critical. He continued with " they have already killed a dozen of our people and were very close to you when we had you replaced with one of ours..". They have replaced me?? Dr. Venkat was now feeling worried, after 15 years why is it happening again. The memories of the past still haunt him, still those images give him pain. Now this pain has reemerged reminding him of his final days at RACE.
Director Dutta completed by saying "Now you are the only man who could help us get ARYA back, you have to give your personal loctag to us...we know you have one..and we need it right now..."
This was more frightening for Dr. Venkat, how can they know about my loctag. He surely had one hidden in one of his safe house..he duplicated the original because he knew its important to have a duplicate for the location of ARYA.
Dr. Venkat nodded to this, he kept a copy of the loctag because he wanted to keep it safe..but he doesn't have it right now...
He gave them the location of his safe house and the pass key required..he also asked them to bring some stuff from the locker which might be of some help.
The loctag...a very basic looking watch which when connected with same configuration receiver  marks the exact point and time of the connected stello...
Dr. Venkat knew that the stello which holds ARYA was a personal design of Dr. wasn't the  same as other stellos..stellos were basically carrier satellites which were released in orbit and may contain some very vital equipment which when required can be obtained by commanding it to re enter earth's atmosphere and release the required package..using the jet powered engine it would accurately land on the marked air base...but this stello was different...
As he moved towards the screen to tell this to Director Dutta, he stopped as he was talking to someone on the phone and was looking quite tensed.....

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The better beginning..


"The match would start in half an hour, lets go buy something to eat"
"come on don't be lazy, lets go "
"ohkay ohkay coming...."
Aksh was again dreaming, his past was again scrolling in front of his eyes..the match.. the last match he ever watched with his family. He was so excited about it...and he woke up. He was closing to his destination, realizing for how long he had traveled to get there. He was in Delhi a few days back, the metropolitan, where you can get everything just need to have money and everything is solved..but to where he is going money seldom matters..
His pilot informed him that they have been ordered to go around. In any normal air base aksh would have felt awkward about this situation but this place was not in any sense normal. This wasn't his first trip so he knew what might be the reason..a brand new stealth aircraft or a new weapon system might be blocking their way.
But at last when they landed, all his intuitions were wrong. There was a lot of hype in the facility, he had never seen so much people in the facility. He wasn't a rookie, he knew that there's gotta be something of great importance, there were a dozen of private jets and a no. of government helis. the facility code named RAIN (Research And Intelligence Network) located in the remote part of lakshadweep islands was quite similar to its earlier counterpart "RACE" but was quite sophisticated and well protected to avoid what happened to RACE . Above the thick layer of soil was just a runway and a small concrete building with just 2 small rooms and 1 guard office, but beneath was the whole soul of RAIN, a whole facility dedicated to gathering intelligence and innovating new ways of getting them in the life of common man. The facility  was like a tree with roots proliferating silently in all directions.
Aksh waived his id card to the guard on duty and he in turn gave him the welcome to home nod, the steel door in front of him jolted and came to a halt. He then proceeded forward and scanned his id batch to the scanner which has magically appeared from the back of the door. The room in front of him was desolate but still he regarded it as "engineering and art at its best" because the room has multiple doorways in and out carefully hidden behind painted walls like illusions. He then went towards one of the walls and carefully sled one of those walls and entered his 10 digit pass key. The retinal scan unit came alive, soon after he entered in one of the many elevators the voice recognition system called out for his identity. Aksh replied "alpha tech 4993001" his pass key was accepted and lift started to move towards the central spine of RAIN. In the next few seconds the high speed elevator located his destination on its internal mapping system and through the network of shafts plotted the best and fastest way to get there. Meanwhile Aksh alone in the elevator was still thinking of the cause of the unrest in the facility, he has never seen this much planes in this facility as this no. of airplanes are a potential threat to the secrecy of this facility as they can be tracked by any enemy spy satellite but still they are here..somethings wrong he thought.
He was still thinking when the elevator stopped and abruptly changed its course, he knew there was an override command for the elevator but it was never used as it needed the passkey authorized above his pay grade.The elevator started moving again, now to a different location, the marker on the screen was showing LC 17, he knew what was in that floor, the conference room of Mr. Dutta.. the elevator halted as soon as it reached its location and the metal door unbolted....

Saturday, May 12, 2012

me and myself!!!!


Hey guys...i am Alok. you would be thinking what kind of blogger is this..he doesn't even wrote an introduction post. so here i am, alok writer of the posts you have read or are going to read. this is the story i have been thinking my whole life. i think you all will love it. its all i have to say...thanks and have a good day!! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The second atttempt..


It was a Sunday morning Mr. Venkat was wide awake now and was waiting for his housemaid to give his morning tea and was taking a look at the newspaper bundle kept in front of him. It was his collection of the month, he usually keeps the science discoverer section of each day until the last weekend and then store them in his collection which is actually very big now…he was starting to think about his childhood and when his collection started…..but suddenly his maid entered and gave him his regular lemon tea with the newspaper. He took the newspaper first and started to look at the headlines apart from the regular political drama, in a corner there was news about the recent successful launch of the ISRO’S self developed PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle).He looked at the wall clock and it was pointing at 8, he went to freshen up and after his daily rounds of prayers he started dressing up as he was wearing the traditional lungi. He donned the regular white shirt and black coat and went on to look in the mirror. Dr. Venkat though 36 years old didn’t looked more than 25. He had a very good physique and his face always maintained a smile, despite of the deepest troubles he would keep smiling, despite of the few white hairs he still looked like a new college professor. He was still unmarried despite of his mothers efforts he was able to maintain his single status. He went in his drawing room and then only the clock struck 9. He forwarded toward his study and picked up some of the papers he has prepared for today’s class of biomechanical concepts of robotics.When he entered the vast campus of advanced biotech studies he remembered the time he first came there not as a professor but as a student. He advanced towards the lecture room as today was a weekend there were not too many people outside the building but after three months of giving lectures on different topics of bioengineering he knew that there would be a huge crowd waiting for him inside the hall and when he entered the hall there were around hundred students waiting for him, some still searching for seats, his assistant professor getting his equipments ready. He entered the class and all fell silent. He first asked his assistant professor to take seat and started his day’s lesson. “The biomechanical concept of robotics is the newly formed subclass of robotics “, he said and showed them the familiar diagram of the human D.N.A and said,” How many of you think that developing exact copy of this D.N.A is possible???....” he stopped for their minds to focus on the question and then the hands were raised. All the students agreed on the fact that every D.N.A could be replicated by the famous procedure of cloning, by which exact copy of any D.N.A. can be produced. Mr. Venkat saw all the hands raised and changed his question slightly and said” without cloning….” All hands went down instantly and they all were staring towards the professor as if he had asked to all of them to count their brain cells… but the professor was still looking for an answer from the crowd. Nobody knew the answer and professor firstly laughed and then coming back to the topic he realized that everybody except him was in grave silent even his assistant professor who was himself astonished. The professor looked at everyone and then called a boy from the front row he asked him if he knew the answer he simply replied “no sir”, then sending the boy back he said” then what is reproduction???” everyone in the hall was dumbstruck and then the professor started…..

Thursday, May 3, 2012

the..unfinished story..

The story begins in the eve years of 20th century when the world was remodeling itself and countries were engaged in a never ending fight some developing countries started a secret military program to tackle the dominance of the developed nations. Many secret associations were built but all of them had a same objective to create a weapon by which nations could defend themselves and not be afraid of other countries.
In these years only loads of new age scientists were born who were trained to design killing machines but some of them were quite different and thought differently they were thinking of designing not a killing machine but a machine which would help them fight those disastrous weapons. One of those scientists was S.N.( his friends called him so but his name was Dr. Satheesh Nagaswami ). He was the senior scientist at the RACE (secret code given to a lab somewhere in Andaman Islands). His lab an underground hive which consists of various labs and people doing whacky things there and discovering things was not an important thing there. S.N was himself a renowned scientist in the facility and everyone respected him but everyone thought he was doing nothing there as no one except his assistant Venkat( who was a biotech professor and a reverse genetics expert) knew. He was working there for a few years only but what he was making was different from all anyone could expect.
S.N. was designing a suit which he called arya and when used can give the person unmatched skills and protection from any type of weapon. Venkat was designing the suits human interface and taking care of its genetic model. This was a dream coming true for Venkat who was just a new born scientist and was very good at his work. He is the man by whose name appears to be a south Indian but was basically a Bengali. He was from a middle class family and yet not had received his part of fame in the world and thought that he would certainly become a scientist like S.N.
When it appeared to Dr. S.N. that he was going to complete project arya he started spending weeks in the lab and removing faults and snags in the suit. Venkat would come with the food and all necessary items to him and one day when he came to the lab S.N. told him that the project was complete and he wants him test check the suit and as Venkat was not ready for this type of certain surprise he nodded to him and Dr. S.N. started to mount the suit on him and as he started the check as the suit appeared to be configuring something. Then only it appeared to Venkat that something was going on in the lab………